Mar 30, 2012

How to purchase tempered glass

tempered glass spontaneous breakage
tempered glass spontaneous breakage

Tempered glass is widely used for shower, table top, windows and doors and other architectural applications. As more and more spontaneous breakage cases about toughened glass in our life. Do you now think tempered glass is safety enougth? After many years of experiences on architecural glass industry, now I am very pleausre to share my personal points when purchase tempered glass for your next projects.

First of all, you need to know why tempered glass has the potential risk of spontaneous breakage? Please move to for more details.
General speaking, all tempered glass manufacturer in the world can't 100% control the spontaneous breakage if it is a fully tempered glass. But it is available to reduce the risk by heat soaking process.So please select heat soaking tempered glass when you want to purchase tempered glass.
Please note that toughened glass has a few risk of spontaneous breakage even if the heat soaking process. If you want to need a 100% glass spontaneoous breakage free, we suggest you choose heat-strengthened or laminated glass instead unless fully tempered glass have to be required according to your local building code.

Second, we strongly suggest you polished the edges. As the glass edges is so weak. If it is not a polished edges, it is easy to be broken when tempering or striking on the edges.
polished tempered glass
Polished tempered glass with safety corner

Third, chose a professional tempered glass supplier, especially a horizontally tempered glass company since horizontally tempered glass processing is a new generation tempering techinical in the market. No bow is avaialbe.

Any help?

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